Out of the Blue by slaymesoftly 08/12/2012 08:33 pm Initiative. Heebie-jeebies. On the other hand, Buffy now has backup and isn't taking them on alone, so it becomes a lot less nerve-wracking for me. Buffy and Spike together - the Initiative doesn't stand a chance. :) 10/22/2011 09:46 pm And Riley was Buffy's idea of a good boyfriend.... Their plot is just pure evil... Seriously... 10/22/2011 01:40 pm I can see it now a bunch of frogs in camo outfits hopping around town! Of course they wanted to experiment on her. She shows all the sign of being a demon without setting off their equipment. That was part of their goal, the strengths of demons that could move around freely. Plus if they could use part of her for Adam bonus points. Why she ever thought she was safe from them was a mystery to me. Walsh was even experimenting on her own soliders. So it was obvious that no life was sacred not even humans. *nods* It really makes complete sense that Walsh would want to study her rather than have her killed right away. Hee! frogs in cammo - that could be a fun cracky fic. :) Jane 10/22/2011 01:05 pm Ooh really exciting chapter, finally looks like the initiatives bitten off more than it can chew. I'm guessing Spikes gone off to do something about his chip. Wonder if the cavalry will include Angel and his gang. Looking forward to more. Super. I think it was meant to, but Angel's pretty pissed off at Spike at this point in canon, so.... 10/22/2011 12:50 am So Riley must have told Maggie about Giles. Pillock. Wonder what the Council is going to do - and wonder how Buffy is going to react to Spike's chipectomy which Giles has instigated. Can't wait... *nods* Think Riley may have picked the wrong side to be on this time.... | |||
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