Out of the Blue by slaymesoftly 03/16/2012 07:13 pm Getting better with every chapter! This one is a fic for all times! I'm glad you're enjoying it! Jane 10/24/2011 10:17 pm Lovely to see another update. I guess times running out for Spike. I'm hoping that Gile will be able to defuse the situation, but Buffy does have a tendency to act first and think later. Luckily Spike likes a bit of rough and tumble. Looking forward to more. Yeah, he's about out of chances to 'fess up. More soon. :) 10/24/2011 01:35 pm Giles sent Spike somewhere to get the chip taken out didn't he? And to try to get Angel to help. But of course Angel wouldn't even talk to Spike and I bet if Spike mentioned Buffy all Angel would do is threaten Spike and not listen to what he had to say. For once I am hoping the Council shows up soon! I don't think Buffy is going to be happy about the chip removal even if it was Giles' idea. How in the world the two of them thought they were going to explain it to her is beyond me. She is going to be a tough sell but Xander will probably be an impossible sell. I suspect Xander will be the last to know... :) And yeah, being as this is happening in Season Four and the last time Angel saw Spike he was having Angel tortured... probably not inclined to want to talk to him. :) 10/24/2011 12:53 pm Oh dear, wonder how Buffy is going to react when Spike tells her about his chipectomy? Not sure about the wisdom of the scoobies going straight back to the crypt - they can't hide in the darkness because of the Initiative soldiers' heat sensing equipment. Loved the kiss! More please... More soon. I don't think the Initiative would go back and use heat-seeking stuff (not just yet, anyway) You'll see why soon. :) | |||
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