Misplaced by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Chapter 4

11/26/2011 12:46 am

wow. I like the tenderness at the end of this chapter. Can't wait for more.

Thank you very kindly. I will try to get the new chapter up ASAP. 

11/24/2011 12:54 pm
Just caught up with this one.  What an excellent take on  a body swap situation, Buffy and Spike have both learned so much from the experience and oh boy was it good to have the Scoobies given a few home truths.  Absolutely brilliant.
Thank you ever so much!

11/24/2011 06:18 am

11/23/2011 11:56 pm

Poor Buffy - attacked by her own friends.  Excellent fight scenes.  Love the story and I'm looking forward to more.

Thank you so much! As soon as I survive Thanksgiving with the inlaws, I'll try to get the next chapter polished up. (Although this would happen faster if someone could kindly send Spike over to eat my inlaws....)

11/23/2011 05:31 pm


(Pardon me, I'll just be making that face for a while.) 
I hope that's a good face!

11/23/2011 12:54 pm
Good job of giving Buffy a real Spike's-eye-view. I'm glad they found one another. 
Now the fun can really begin...

11/23/2011 09:20 am
I really would have loved to see that kind of an episode in the series (thumbs up).
I never liked the way she treated him.Having Buffy feeling sympathy for Spike is a rare occasion.
Thanks to you we can pretend it happend and enjoy the feeling of remedy.
And having Xander and Anya watching them kissing  is just great :-D
Oh yeah, you know it's going to be fun when we see what Xander and Anya think.
Buffy really does need to walk in Spike's shoes...um, duster... for a while.

11/23/2011 09:00 am

Good, Buffy needed to see Spikes trouble and how he's treated.

Spike does have it rough sometimes. Being that good looking... :-)

behind blue eyes
11/23/2011 02:58 am

Love how Buffy saw that Spike's world isn't all penny-whistles and rainbows.  Finally she sees that he is trapped between two worlds. She sees that he doesn't really "fit" in anywhere, and how truly lonely it is.  Great chapter.

Thanks so much!

11/23/2011 01:12 am
Glad Buffy get's to see what Spike actually goes through. But will Xander ever just listen for once? No I would really hate to be Buffy with Willow and Xander as friends they do more harm than good and not just to Buffy but everyone around them. Love your stories.
Thank you so much! I'm glad you like the stories.

The Scoobies - can't live with 'em, can't feed 'em to Spike...

11/22/2011 08:03 pm

I know you want some constructive criticism, but I can't give you any cos I love it. Everythings good, the plot, the writing. Great read, really looking forward to more. 

Thank you so much! Knowing I am on the right track is very constructive. I'll try to keep things going in the same vein. 

11/22/2011 05:21 pm
Wonderful for Buffy to get a much needed taste of the realities of Spike's life. Can't wait for the 'intervention' that I sense looming...
Intervention is definitely on its way.... as soon as I can get it posted!

11/22/2011 04:31 pm
Her eyes are open! Spike is very lonely, he has always had others around. Between Dru and minions he always had people to talk to and belong with. Now he is stuck in between, not allowed in the human world and hated in the demon world.

Xander is going to blow a gasket! I wonder if his head will actually explode? I can hear Anya commenting on vampire stamina already. By time they get to the house after getting blood there will probably be a full Scooby intervention waiting.
I love your reviews, ginar.

Someone needed to see what Spike had to put up with. And no, I can't resist making Xander's head blow up. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. 

11/22/2011 04:28 pm

I like this story. Please update soon.

Thank you so much! I will update as soon as possible (however, I have to go deal with the in-laws for Thanksgiving this week - hard to write Spuffy in a room full of 70 year olds...)