Distress Signals by Peaceheather
Chapter: Catching Up, Waking Up

02/20/2012 12:09 am
MM excellent villain.  
People seem to really enjoy Figg. Glad you do too.

01/06/2012 12:55 am
Truly horrific, and so well plotted I'm in awe.
I continue to insist that I suck at plot, but maybe that's just anything bigger than a single scene.  Stringing scenes together?  Gah.

I'll take awe, though.  Awe is nice. :)

12/27/2011 02:02 am

great chapter!  Xander's being way too understanding.

Xander grew up.  I decided it was high time he did that.

12/26/2011 08:35 pm

Loved that Buffy finally came clean to Xander, I always hated how Spike was treated over 'the bathroom' incident. Figg grows increasingly menacing, I hope help comes soon. 

Hurt/comfort - not just a genre, it's also a plot spoiler.  Things will get better soon. :)
Also - Figg gets more screen time in Ch 8, which I'm working on.

Glad you're enjoying!

12/24/2011 02:15 am
And Spike never sees the real nuts, just like innocent victims of serial murderers in real life...
Sure he does.  He lived with Drusilla.  He's surprisingly patient with them, when you think about it.