Distress Signals by Peaceheather
Chapter: Dreaming, Drowning

02/20/2012 12:19 am
ARRRGGGHHH!!!  That was so mean!  
Me?  I don't know what you're talking about.

01/06/2012 09:56 am
Very gruesome torture... shudder worthy even.
I keep getting surprised by people's reaction to this one - I didn't think you could do "gruesome" without more blood and guts and things that go "splat".  But yeah, the not being able to breathe thing... I get it.

12/27/2011 02:11 am



12/26/2011 08:57 pm

Oh wow, that was truly dark, but brilliantly written.

Really? I didn't think I was any good at dark fic.  I just tried to give Figg a motive rather than being a random evil guy just randomly going after Spike.

The rest just came from me wondering how certain things *worked* on an undead body... like Spike being able to get it on, at all.... :)

Glad you like!