Misplaced by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Chapter 12

08/30/2013 07:22 am

I sure got to dislike Xander so much in the series -  he really was such a mix of terrible and good traits. 

I started to want to punch him in the teeth regularly around season 6 or so...

01/14/2012 08:18 pm
Genius explanation regarding the auras! 
Thank you so much!

01/12/2012 04:23 pm
Xander flummoxed... there's a surprise, Dumb and Dumber.
LOL. We should all get together and buy him a clue for Christmas.

01/11/2012 01:39 am
Thanks for the update. I truly enjoyed. It sounds as though Tara has something interesting to gon on, so that's great. Look forward to more.
Working! So glad you're enjoying it!

01/10/2012 12:05 pm
They're making prgress in all directions - except for Xander of course who is still stuck in his stubborn rut and Willow who wants to 'help'. Thank goodness for sensible Anya, I wonder if she's said enough....? More please...
More coming as fast as I can type with a bandaged finger! (Chef's knife: 1; BMS: 0)

01/10/2012 10:42 am
Thanks! (Hopefully it was a good wow!)

01/10/2012 08:47 am

Hopefully Anya will help Xander start to think. He has these old issues with Jessie I presume, and the Angelus situation didn't help.

Xander's issues could fill a book, but I never remember the Jesse incident. Hmmm.

01/10/2012 04:44 am
TextI really like this story and can't wait to read more. I just have a question? Xander and willow are not going to do something bad are they? And Buffy will get some gumption and continue to stand up to them please.
Truth be told, I haven't decided how everything is going to play out.But Buffy isn't backing down, never fear.
My typing will be a little slower the next week or so - chopped my index finger while cooking just like Willow did earlier in this story. Life imitating art... ouch.

01/10/2012 03:59 am
Yea Buffy!! Dropping F-Bombs all over the place! Awesome!

I'm glad Anya brought up that point, she didn't want to be a do-gooder either. She was forced to become human and then do good because she became involved with Xander. Spike got the chip against his will and started to do good because of Buffy. Very similar, but because Anya became human for some reason all the deaths she caused got wiped clean, but Spike's don't even though she had been at it much longer and even caused a revolution or two! That logic never made sense to me. And lets face it just because you have a soul that doesn't make you good. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Dahlmer, Bundy human and they have souls.

I think Xander's biggest problem (besides the unrequited lust fest he has for Buffy) is that he likes being the only guy in the group. All those beautiful women he gets to hang around with. It makes him the envy of other guys when they see him with the girls. And he also realizes that Spike is way hotter and cooler than him, all the girls think Spike is hot even if he is evil. And Xander can't stand it. He gets to be head rooster in the hen house. I guess that makes Spike the chicken hawk? :D
LOL, so glad you liked it!

I always wondered why Anya and Angel got the 'get out of mayhem free' cards.

Now you've got me thinking of old Foghorn Leghorn cartoons with the chicken hawk comment!