Two Sides of the Same Coin by behind blue eyes
Chapter: Chapter Fifteen

01/10/2012 01:23 pm
Finally!! Buffy had an epiphany! He understands because he has the same thing going on. He is William and the demon. She is Buffy and the Slayer. William and Buffy and kind, sweet people, who others take (took) advantage of. The demon and the slayer are strong, powerful warriors who enjoy the fight, granted they used to be on opposite sides but now that he is chipped he can be on her side. 

One can only hope that the next breakthrough will have her taking her rose colored glasses off about Angel and have her dumping cornbread.
First off, I would like to thank you ginar369 for continuing to read and review my story.  I appreciate it so much, far more than words can say.

As for the chapter.  Yeah, finally Buffy is seeing things clearly!  As for Angel, I think in due time who he really is will come to light.  As for Riley, she dumped him when he shot Spike and confirmed that they were no longer an item last chapter.

Thanks again for all your indepth and thoughtful reviews.   :)