Misplaced by BuffyMeetsSpike
Chapter: Chapter 13

01/17/2012 10:59 am
Go Buffy!  I love how she's sticking up for herself.  I thought Xander was dumb but Willow is the champ!
Dumb may not be the word. Stubborn as rocks, perhaps?

01/16/2012 08:16 am

Willow seems to understand after Buffy and Tara talked to her.

We shall see...

01/15/2012 10:19 pm

Super update. Looks like Willow may be coming round, took a while but better late than never. 
I wonder if she's gonna learn more about their relationship come the morning.

Thanks so much! I will endeavor to overcome my minor case of writer's block and continue with the rest of the evening/morning. 

01/15/2012 12:43 am
I love Buffy with balls  [  pun intended    :wink: :wink:  ]
> is excited to see the Spuffy goodness
Nudge nudge, say now more ;-)

01/14/2012 09:31 pm
Buffy is making progress. I always felt sorry for Dawn. Her entire life was a lie, made up. So in a way I could understand her whiney attiude. But that doesn't mean she souldn't have been asked to help around the house even before Joyce died. So I'm glad to see Buffy having her do chores. 

Willow on the other hand, well she is still being self-centered thinking about herself and how what is going on with Buffy affects her. Instead of thinking of her friend first. Even her offer of rent was only made after Buffy asked Dawn about doing laundry. She wants Buffy the way she was before Buffy died. The Buffy that did what her friends wanted. She can't see that that Buffy is gone. Dying and going to heaven and then being ripped out changes a person. Willow can't see that or won't see it.

Gotta love Spike smoochies!
As the posessor of two lazy male children, I have no sympathy for Dawn. Do your chores,you lazy thing :-)

Willow may need more smacks to the head than this author can deliverr, but we'll see what develops. 

01/14/2012 08:46 pm
Love the way all the explanations are so logical.  Now if only the gits would listen.  Looking forward to next chapter.
One of my pet peeves as a reader is a lack of logic in stories. I don't mind fantasy and magic and all that, but some self consistant logic needs to run thorough it all.

But then I am also a total geek, so that may have something to do with it...

01/14/2012 05:35 pm
And Willow gets her salutory lesson. Buffy & Spike are becoming increasingly comfortable in their new bodies, I think they're both going to have mixed emotions when they switch back - assuming it goes well. 
That is the assumption. 

Thanks for the review. I'm having serious writer's block with this story, and the reviews keep me working at it!