Distress Signals by Peaceheather
Chapter: Confusion, Conversation

01/17/2012 12:59 pm
Such a sweet reunion -- loved this line 'Before this, asleep, he broke her heart; now, awake, he filled it..'
Glad you liked.  I thought I did okay with that one. :)

01/16/2012 07:54 pm

Really happy Spike's back in the land of the conscious, it did Buffy the world of good and we got some lovely spuffy time. So the spells not broken, wonder if Buffy's gonna need more expert help to remove it. Could be an opportunity for Willow to redeem herself, if Buffy can trust her. Great update.

Glad you enjoyed.  Chapter 20 just went up, so you can tell me if I've set things up for the next round of hurtin' on Spike. :)