Distress Signals by Peaceheather
Chapter: Companionship, Solitude

01/19/2012 04:31 am

after rereading post-edit frensy - that's better!  :)

Oh good.  Thanks so much - it's a relief to hear, even when I'm feeling pretty sure of things, myself. :)

01/17/2012 07:43 pm

You've totally turned my opinion of Xander around. For a long time now I've found him obnoxious, it's great to read a fic where he's a positive character. I'm hoping Buffy will get better as Spike improves, I think they're both grieving and in shock and it seems there's more to come. At least Spike's awake and aware of what's going on. It'll be easier to bear the coming trial if he knows it's in a good cause. Loved the update.

I seem to have unwittingly started a Save Xander From Douchery campaign..!  I've gotten so many great reviews about how he's being portrayed in this story.  Many thanks.

Also look for a bunch of chapter edits and rewrites, going back in a minor way as far as chapter 13, and in a major way from 18 forward to 20.  Ai yai yai... now I get to repost those suckers, and THEN get to work on 21.  But I feel much better about the story now.

01/17/2012 05:30 pm

I liked the bit about the stopsign being fun.

But poor Spike - why didn't one of them think to stay with him, after waht happened last time?  Silly people!

Yeah, I was posting so fast there for awhile that the story kind of got away from me.  I'm in the process of reloading a bunch of chapters that have had either minor edits or major overhauls done to them... and THEN I'll be ready to write Ch. 21!  Oy.

01/17/2012 01:17 pm
Spike seems to  be sinking,  I'm thinking Buffy needs to do more than start growing up if she's going to help him.
That's very possible.  But remember, Spike also needs to help her, so... he can't sink too far!

01/16/2012 10:44 pm
I love this. Well written charachters and so sad, yet sweet. Please write fast!
I write so fast my brain shorts out.  You can expect a chapter from me at least every couple of days, because I have no life.

Glad you're enjoying!