Distress Signals by Peaceheather
Chapter: Awkwardness, Sorrow

01/24/2012 09:08 am
Such a horribly awkward conversation for them both and it rang so true.  Along way to go though, dare I detect for a ray of sunshine at the end there?  Really well done.
Well, I don't know if a ray of *sunshine* would be good, given it's Spike (hur hur hur)... but yeah.  Things will get better for them, fear not.

01/24/2012 03:23 am
I am impressed, you just keep delivering these interesting chapters. I find myself not rushing to get to the conclusion, but enjoying every chapter on its own. Thank you!
I consider that to be one of the highest compliments I've gotten so far.  Thank you.

01/23/2012 09:11 pm

That was a lovely sweet chapter. They were both so awkward and  tentative, like tongue tied teenagers. Buffy has trouble speaking from the heart at the best of times, let's hope she's said enough to clue Spike into her real feelings. Great update.

Glad you enjoyed.  If she hasn't, well, hopefully Spike will quit with the tentative and go ahead and ask. :)

01/23/2012 04:46 pm

Communication!  YAY!!  Buffy is growing up after all.
Your portrayal of her finally breaking down was nicely done.  Trying so hard, but finally unable to NOT tell him, if that makes sense.

This was NOT an easy chapter to write.  It fought me every step of the way this entire weekend.  So I'm really, really glad that it came out well enough for you to appreciate and review.