Distress Signals by Peaceheather
Chapter: Peaceful Rest, Loving Couples

02/03/2012 04:26 pm

You must have something up your sleeve...  looking forward to seeing what it is!
Everyone's interactions were well done, believable both from a canon perspective and one where time has passed.  That sounds wierd, but I guess I'm trying to say that I can believe that the characters on the show would actually be like this if they'd been allowed to mature.
Oh - and  I like Cathy. 

I'm glad everyone seems to like Cathy.  I'm not totally sure what I should do with her, though.  She's not integral and I can't see inventing much for her to do beyond what she's already done for Buffy and Xander.

Thanks for the kind words on the interactions.

Somethng up my sleeve.  I might... or I might not.  Dun dun dunnnn! :D

02/03/2012 01:47 pm
Love this story but got caught up in Harmony - Buffy´s been mourning him for a year and he slept with Harmony and gets nothing for it? Not even one word in response? weird.
I am weird.

Also they probably will have a brief mention of it at some point - we just haven't gotten there yet.

Glad you're enjoying!

02/03/2012 12:17 pm
That was such a horrible nightmare, perhaps the magic hasn't  all gone.  I do like the grown up Xander, what a diiference a little change inattitude makes.
It was a nightmare that got better, because Buffy found him.

Glad you like Xander!