Remenissions by adrianiling
Chapter: "Great Big White World"

04/17/2012 03:04 am

Hee - technically he chained her up.  :)  So where is the bleached hottie? 

Yeah, well, technically...
Anyway, do you want to know where is Spike? Go and read chapter 3 ;)
Thank you so much for reading and leaving a review!



04/11/2012 04:38 am

Thank you so much for replying to my challenge! It seems amazing so far, and I can't wait to read the rest :)

You're welcome :)
Glad you like it, and thank you so much for reading and leaving a review!



04/02/2012 07:47 pm
In the first chapter, I really liked how you handled Spike in the "lock 'em up, an tell 'em you love 'em scene."  (It felt like you left him with some diginity which Joss n co never did.)   As always, Buffy's lament had me grinding my teeth, but I do look forward to seeing how you will handle Spike's return and the ever elusive/exclusive "soul-having."    Cheers!
Glad you liked it!
I think we all agree that Buffy can be quite dense sometimes. Anyway, the soul issue is definitely going to be a bit different than in the show, you'll see.
We'll find out what's Spike doing next chapter, I promise.
Thank you so much for reading and leaving a review! You totally made my day.




03/31/2012 01:28 am
Seriously Buffy, okay I understand being wigged about the whole Spike tying you up thing. But if you honestly needed him around to help protect Dawn you should have probably checked in on him once in a while in the last few weeks. The damn idiot probably went off to get a soul.
Well, we all know Buffy IS kind of stupid. At least she didn't revoke his invitation to her house and slammed the door on his face this time around. I guess I made her behave a little less bitchy, but she is still Buffy.
You'll find out where Spike went off to next chapter, I promise. I have a few surprises planned, you'll see ;)

Thank you so much for reading and leaving a review!



03/30/2012 07:51 pm
Great chapter! I'm dying to find out what's happening with Spike I have my guesses but I can't wait!
Thank you! I promise to post chapter 3 as soon as I have it betaed.
Thanks for reading and leaving a review.
