Replacement by sus
Chapter: Daddy’s Home.

03/31/2012 01:53 am
It appears Cordelia did not heed The Talk.   How many more will die?  Thank you so much for updating so fast!   I really like where Spike's brain is taking him.  

03/30/2012 07:07 pm
Spike has gone soft,normally he like´s teasing Angel no reason needed.
It´s strange reading about him beeing so dull.And letting himself get beaten unconscious?
He must be under a spell ;-)
Angelus is dangerous,but I think he takes more pleasure out of mind games than pure violence.A few mean words about her sexual performance would have chased her away in no time,but know it seemed hitting her was almost a reflex,like waving your hand at a fly,while thinking about something comepletely different.Could have happend though,but what I can´t believe is Spike calling Angel -Angelus,  trying to reassure Angel and let himself be handled like a rag doll?
Spike isn´t in a wheelchair,or weak at this point in your story,so I don´t get it.
I love your story,so I hope your not upset,but it just seemed so much out of character.