Apocrypha by asphodel
Chapter: Chapter 3

07/19/2012 08:17 pm

Spike's precis of Buffy's life is genius.

Thank you! It was fun to write. :)

07/18/2012 11:25 am
Spike's potted history was brilliant, so funny,  and now for the giant cockroaches!  Ta-da.
What night is complete without some Slayer-baiting and giant bug squishing? Hee.

07/17/2012 11:44 pm
Yuck.  I'm like Anya with those things.  Eeeeww.  Yucky Pew!
Agreed! Hee.

07/05/2012 09:06 am

Spike should try to think before he speaks, but I like the interaction.

Based on the empirical evidence, I suspect there is some sort of short-circuit in Spike's brain that eliminates the thinking-before-speaking filter. XD

07/04/2012 07:03 pm
I'm really enjoying this story.
I'm very happy to hear it; thank you for the comment!

07/04/2012 12:06 am
EW not big cockroaches.  I prefer the manage a trot.  :)
I wonder which Buffy would prefer, at this point, LOL.

07/03/2012 11:00 pm

great two chapters - a manage a trot, just the way Buffy would say it!  Great summary by Spike as well, sounded just like him. Really enjoying this, wondering where Willow will fit in so colour me intrigued!

Really enjoying writing this as well--thank you for the continued encouragement!

07/03/2012 01:47 pm
I just love the banter! Perfect!

Ew. Giant cockroaches. Now my skin is crawling {has a discreet scratch}.
Thank you for the comment, and sorry about the cockroaches! XD