So You Think You Can Dance by slaymesoftly
Chapter: Seven

09/15/2012 06:32 pm

Well I wouldn't have had any problem killing him given he's already murdered and raped a child. Can't see him ever being safe to let loose. The worst sort of evil. The girls did good which will enhace their confidence and reputation. Brill.

Thanks. Yes, he's not likely to be let loose.  Trying to decide what's ultimately going to happen to him...

09/12/2012 07:32 pm
Will these two ever figure how to talk! I was hopeful after last chapter with the kissage, and now they go back to the distrust and distance. Love this story even tho I want to slap the two of them upside the head, lol. 
LOL I'm glad you're liking it, in spite of the behavior of the two main characters. Two steps forward, one back....

09/12/2012 12:44 pm
He must have been a useless watcher if he didn't know what a slayer could do, even without her powers. I wonder if he actually can tell them anything useful. And of course Buffy is still distrustful of Spike, even though she has allowed Amy to unlive. They really need to talk...
Pretty sure he was fired as soon as they discovered why he was interested in working with young girls.... But who knows? He knew how to make the drugs, so he may have something else to offer.

And yes, they do need to talk - but they don't do that very well, do they?

09/12/2012 02:44 am
She trusts him then she doesn't. Buffy is like a yo-yo! She lets vamp Amy live because she feels sorry for her. Did it every occur to her that no matter how scared Amy was she was only a week old fledge? Scared or not Amy should have been trying to rip Buffy and the rests throats out? Will it ever occur to her that not every vamp is the same? Some can control themselves? She can trust Amy but not Spike?
Still the queen of mixed signals - even mixier now that she's not got quite such a black and white view of the world.  Spike needs to take some of the blame, though.  He's so sure she won't want him without that soul...