Nobody's Hero by ginar369
Chapter: An Overheard Conversation (Ch 3)

Richard Kulisz
02/21/2014 12:23 am
# A soul might make it easier to empathize, find pity, even remorse but it was no guarantee that ones actions would be for the good. Desire, hate, love and jealousy were the feelings that powered decisions.

Actually, pity, remorse, desire, and hatred aren't feelings but emotions. Of the rest, jealousy is the only feeling, assuming it isn't an emotion. Love is a value state of +2 or +3, not a feeling. And empathy is none of those things but a principle: the one in slot 'Good neg-polar Submissive'.

You see it goes like this. There are principles. When you assign a number to a principle it becomes a value. When the value activates it becomes a feeling. And when feelings collide THEN you have emotions. And what causes decisions? Values. 2 steps removed from emotions.

When you stick a finger into an electrical socket you get electrocuted. And you don't get electrocuted because light bulbs give off light when electricity runs through them. You get electrocuted because the nuclear power plant 1000 miles away is pushing electrical current through a long wire.

The mountains cause the weather, not the weather the mountains. And values are very much mountains, whereas emotions are mere weather.

The billiard balls respond to the geometry of the pool table, they do not create the pool table.

02/07/2013 04:27 pm

I love Gile's in this fic, he's really trying to make amends. I like his plan for reuniting the Scoobs. Buffy was their introduction to the supernatural world, so everyone was measured against her. Interested to see how Xander reacts to Spike the super hero. It's good to have Dawn in this timeline and if she's only a year younger than Buffy, she'll be able to be a real member of the team. Great update. 

He only has a blurry overview but he is trying! Xander was infatuated with Buffy when they had first met and he never really got over that in my opinion. That was what made him the jerk he could be and Willow had a hard time going against her crayon buddy. No one will be able to treat Dawn like a little kid in this one! She will be a full card carrying member of the Scooby's!

02/07/2013 09:29 am
Really loving this please update soon.
Thank you! Next update in about three weeks!