Nobody's Hero by ginar369
Chapter: A New Start with Old Frenemies (Ch 4)

03/24/2013 02:53 am
Please update. I have enjoyed every word and syllable. It's a complete change from other alternate and time travel stories, it so unique, you got me checking everyday for updates. 
Thank you so much! New chapter in about 2 weeks. Thank you for reading and reviewing.

03/09/2013 01:50 am

This is such a great change from most of the other stories I have read - super nice to have something this different.  And I love your idea of the alternative D Buffy's Soul wanting nothing more than to connect again with her Spike.  Good Job!

Thanks! I'm going for a not quite time travel AU plot. Hope I get it right!

03/05/2013 08:45 pm

Yaaay, super update. I can't wait to see how you get the Scoobs to bond with Spike. I like the idea of them being friends with him before Buffy. I know Spike always liked Willow and she was really sweet when he tried and failed to bite her. Without the death threats and kidnappings, Xander has little real reason for hating Spike. He loves super heroes and Spike's definately up there with the best. Looking forward to seeing how Buffy takes to being left out of the loop. She didn't seem to like it when she was told she'd been replaced. She seems to think that because she's having a break, so is evil. I wonder if she can stand aside while people are dying around her. Which is like every day at Sunnydale High. 

Thanks! I always thought that Xander and Willow could be friends with Spike if all the badness of the death threats and broken bottles never happened. Buffy really is living in fantasy land. Evil doesn't stop just because you want it to (human or demon!). She wanted normal.. So she's getting a big whomping taste of it and she isn't liking it very much. Not only that but she's still a young slayer and all new to this. She has very little experience so far and only the knowledge that Merrick passed on. So trusting demons? Not something that would come easily. You can stick your head in the sand all you want but sometimes fate yanks you back to the real world, eventually!

03/05/2013 01:37 am
Love it!  I hope Giles's strategy works without too much distress.  
Some things change some don't. Life is never easy for the chosen one. Or anyone living in Sunnydale for that matter!