Shame on You by ginar369
Chapter: Chapter 7

09/11/2013 11:14 pm
Text  First, an aside: I seriously think some of these "anti-spamming" tests are a bit hard for those of us on the Autism spectrum. The ones here aren't bad, but it's really difficult to read drunk letters.
Love the story - love the CONCEPT! They SHOULD have been ashamed, not so much of the ingratitude, but making him sleep in a BATHTUB? And not giving him a Thanksgiving dinner?
I never understood the bathtub thing either. I can see them not offering him any turkey because the only real prolonged exposure to vamps, besides staking them, was Angel and he doesn't eat human food so there was no way they could know Spike would have eaten any of it. But they could have tried to go to the butchers earlier to get some blood for him. Thanks for reading!

04/28/2013 04:12 pm
Love the chapter but why would Buffy throw up after all she's seen?  That bit made her a bit wimpy IMHO. 
It might have been a bit wimpy but Angel was never very forthcoming with his deeds as Angelus. And Buffy never really read the accounts in the Watchers Diaries. Hearing about all the nasty disgusting things Angel's alter ego was capable of was a bit of a shock. She has him on a pedestal and doesn't like to think about those things he did when he was soulless. To hear them all laid bare? Well it turned her stomach. 

04/15/2013 09:44 pm

About time Buffy faced Angelus's and Liam's true history, I always thought she just fell in love with a pretty face. Gile's has got his work cut out trying to referee Spike and the Scoobs. At least if Xander tries his bullying, he'll be the worse off for it. Super update. 

I never thought she was really in love with him. Remember back in high school? There was some cute boy and you were sure you were in love with him even though you had never spoken a word to each other? That was Buffy and Angel. They knew practically nothing about each other. But after everything that happened it had to become a tragic Romeo and Juliet romance or people died for no reason.

Things are about to go pear shaped in Sunnydale. It is apocalypse season after all!

04/15/2013 04:59 am

Love this chapter!!!!! :) Spike revealing the truth about Angelus to Buffy and Giles actually listening to him about Xander - brilliant!!! I can't wait to see what happens next! You're certainly keeping me on the edge of my seat!!!! :)


I am so glad you like it! Things are going to start heating up soon. The gang is in for a shake up.