Nobody's Hero by ginar369
Chapter: Hot for Teacher Part 1 (Ch 8)

richard kulisz
02/21/2014 03:00 am
# I don’t want anyone to hate Buffy. I don’t hate her. There were times on the show when I actively disliked her but I never hated her. I don’t hate her here either. I feel sorry for her and that was what I had wanted everyone reading to feel also.

That's because you're a Gaian personality type who values continuation. Buffy had a life which she was enjoying (a Gaian quadrant value) and she tried desperately to continue it (another Gaian quadrant value). And she had two romances (another Gaian quadrant value). She is a-okay in your book.

The fact she's a Narcissist with values: showiness, importance, special, melodrama (romeo & juliet), exhibitionism, sycophancy (to and *from* Willow and Xander), and much more. The fact that she's a *sociopath* incapable of empathy, that simply doesn't register for you. You may believe empathy is important but you wouldn't kill someone for lack of empathy.

Whereas I would. Because I'm not a Gaian personality type or any Neutral personality type. I'm Good. And I don't have level 3 values like romance, I have level 8 like Intensity. I burn strangers with my Presence. And just so you have an idea, level 8 Gaian has knight-templar. That's what I mean by Intensity. Knight-templars are intense people.

Except I'm not level 8 and I'm not Neutral like you. I would burn Buffy Summers to death for daring to exist. Her and every other sociopath across the world. All 200 million of them. To be Good is to despise Evil. And narcissists are Evil. Also extremely stupid. So are the 2 billion Right-Wing Authoritarians, they're Evil too and deserve to die for what they are.

And you? You're burning right now under the fire of Truth and Understanding. Except you're a Gaian, you don't value truth or understanding at all. The flames will seer over you, hurting and burning, and leave you unchanged. Still eager to delude yourself and others about the nature of Evil. Still believing that narcissists like Buffy Summers are a-okay even though psychopaths like Angel aren't. Even though both are sociopaths. Even when Buffy's xenophobia (her "love of humanity") is staring you in the face.

Oh and Spike? He's mostly a Gaian like you. With bits of RWA thrown in, like the mollycoddling / mama's boy thing. And the desire for achievement (slayer of slayers). And his always going after women above his station is extremely suspect. So I get why you're rooting for him. And I understand why you turned him into an emo (crank up romance two levels and you have emo). Even though I hate emo.

06/18/2013 04:19 pm
Buffy is trying to hang on to her girl from Hemery past but I have hopes she's starting to wake up to realityl  Spike is doing well to steer clear, while Willow and Xander are doing surprisingly well!
Desperately, painfully trying to hang on. That girl was happy. That girl was carefree. That girl's biggest worry was boys zits and clothes. Reality is starting to rear it's ugly head. The popular crowd is cruel and not that much fun anymore. Slowly she is coming around.

Buffy protected them early on. I understand why but once it was clear they were going to keep helping they should have been taught to fight and practiced on a regular basis. Spike expects everyone to pull their own weight and he's going to make sure none of them need to be rescued any time soon.

06/17/2013 09:10 am

Super update, sounds like Willow and Xander are really coming into their own. I think Buffy might be impressed when she sees them in action, hope it happens soon. Might realise what she's missing.

She is starting to feel a little lonely and questioning her decision right now. The popular life isn't holding as much appeal as it used to.