Family by stuffandnonsense
Chapter: Chapter 34

05/05/2015 07:32 am
i REALLY hate Warren Mears.
So you should!

08/08/2014 01:48 am

great chapter and excellent last paragraph, did not see that coming.

Hurrah! Thanks very much

08/06/2014 04:24 am
 Buffy needs to hurry up and warm up!

Re the last surprise.  Uh. really?  Seems like a really bad idea.
*grins wickedly*

08/05/2014 04:38 am
Oooh - Warren has the bot back. Creepy! 
It had to be him, really....

08/04/2014 03:52 pm
You've managed to dash any hopes I had of the nightmares easing up a little by adding Warren to the mix, things can only get worse.  Of course Xander's reaction didn't improve.  Well done!
Thank you!

Aw, it's not Xander's fault - he doesn't know what's happened the last few days!

I debated long and hard about leaving the Geeks out entirely, but decided there were too many good plot bunnies that would work less well without them.

08/04/2014 01:40 pm
I knew that Xander would be in denial about Willow. Yaya for Giles for sticking up for Tara.
Wonder what Willow is up to?
Ew... Warren is getting creepier and creepier.
Remember, Xander only knows about the two things he mentions: trancing Dawn and making everyone forget who they were - which, although painful for him, was very personal pain - nowhere near as bad as when he was a demon magnet or when everyone was in love with him. He trusts Willow and hasn't actually *seen* anything bad enough to give him pause yet.

I felt there was never enough creepy with the bot(s) in canon. It *is* creepy and deserves to be treated that way.