More Toil and Trouble by slaymesoftly
Chapter: Nine

09/30/2014 04:32 pm
Willow doesn't seemed to have learned anything, and as for bringing Riley to visit ... words fail me.
We'll see....
09/29/2014 03:22 pm

Great!   Keep going.     Thanks for updating so quickly.   

Thanks. Might be awhile before the next one...

09/29/2014 05:31 am
Great dialogues, really interesting plot development, only the "bathroom scene" gave me wiggins (really not into roughing it :P).
Giles making Willow actually realize something and looking thoughtfully at Spike... :)
Can't wait to see what her plan is. And, please let Riley get what he deserves for the kind of jerk he is.
LOL Sorry for the wiggins.  I just have a hard time writing something that ignores basic bodily functions that have to happen at some point during a lengthy stay in Spike's crypt.  At some point, he probably bulds her a bathroom, but he hasn't had time for that yet. :)
I can't wait to see what her plan is either... ROFLMAO  and *sigh*. 

09/28/2014 11:46 pm

I just love it when Riley has to ask Buffy for help and realises just how little he understands of what being a slayer means. Bonus when he discovers that Spike is more help than he is.
*nods* That's one of those themes I've used before - that Spike is more like Buffy than Riley is, and more able to keep up.