Unexpected Arrival by Mefiant
Chapter: Chapter 19

08/02/2007 11:08 am
like your concept of the extended family and the multiple partners freedom of love away from the traditional family concept - makes a great metaphor for what would be a great & highly effective global social system - family of man vs separation of familial groups/tribes.

08/13/2006 06:50 am
Of course Xander would be freaked. He doesn't want to be any part of Spike's anything. Samuel's alive and kickin,101 years old. That's really old but he is part demon. Guess Becca's bringing Buffy to Spike so he wont be lonely when she's gone. Just hope he doesn't say the wrong "B" name whoever he's with, that would be pretty embarrassing. Great chapter. fine read.

06/13/2006 02:24 pm
you create the feeling of being there very well...very peaceful and soothing...another excellent chapter :)