I'll Be Home for Christmas by slaymesoftly 12/30/2015 03:24 pm A very happy Christmas indeed -- I really enjoyed reading this, thank you so much! Thanks for reading and commenting. I so glad you had fun with it. :) 12/29/2015 07:10 pm Aw, that's sweet. I admit I kept expecting Spike to kind of 'break through', but I guess the whole point is that he didn't, he just stayed hazily in the background, gently affecting Bill's behaviour while Buffy adjusted to loving the whole man. You didn't say what was engraved on the ring. Enquiring minds (well, nosey Parkers) want to know. And Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too! Nope - Spike's done all the "breaking through" he's going to do. This is really a Buffy/Other story in which Spike is just happy that she's happy. I didn't say what was on the ring - probably something short and sweet. :) Thanks for reading and commenting. :) | |||
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