Dark Night of the Soul by pfeifferpack
Chapter: Chapter 16

01/13/2016 08:07 am
I'm really enjoying the harshly realistic, take-no-prisoners direction this fic is going in. There's a lot more cultural depiction than in the usual Riley-goes-medieval-on-Spike plot, and more careful voicing of character. The slower progress also amps up the tension. Looking forward to see just where you take it. :)
Thank you.  It's sometimes painful to write (and research into the real world issues I'm using as inspiration is even more painful) but I am going for realistic and happy you think I've managed it.  I also wanted to choose characters who had the seeds within them to make the choices I have then make instead of character bash or a change out of the blue.  I really appreciate your comments and am so glad you like how I am telling this story.
