Together Again by slaymesoftly
Chapter: Chapter Two

06/19/2016 08:13 pm

Interesting start. Looks like they've got a lot of catching up to do.

They do. A lot of it.

05/30/2016 02:39 pm
Uh-oh. Things still very awkward between Buffy & Giles.
I always liked Graham more than Riley. He was prettier and actually had a non-cardboard personality, also seemed to be more realistic and more sympathetic. Glad to see he's still around.
And of course, Spike thinks Faith's death is is his fault. 
Look forward to the Spuffy Talk later.
Now for the Fight....
For some reason, Graham is the only one from the Initiative who usually appears in a positive light in my fics. Which I think is coincidence, but who knows? Maybe I noticed/liked him more than I realized?

Buffy and Spike still have some things to work through... but there's a battle going on so....

05/30/2016 11:07 am
Prickly meeting but at least there was no punching involved.  Graham still alive, is Riley too - I don't know the comics!
No punching. Not exactly the warm fuzzies Buffy might have expected, but... No comic knowledge needed. This is totally off canon except for the reference to Drac's help in Tokyo, and the reference to Spike's being tossed out into the sky (where his bugs picked him up in the spaceship). That's it. I guess the fact that the Army knows about vampires and slayers is comic canon - but not something you needed to already know. It's just the way it is in this story. Riley isn't here, so doesn't matter if he's alive or dead. :)