Dark Gift by Schehrezade
Chapter: Chapter 34

03/16/2006 05:56 am
wow...how sweet...they're gonna belong to each other in every way possible...love this story :)

02/18/2006 03:13 am
LOL I loved the Angel bashing and even the Spuffy scmhoop :P

01/05/2006 11:47 am
"Groaning slightly, he willed the incipient erection away; he hated that his cock liked pain and perked up whenever it appeared on the horizon." LOL!!! It does explain a few things though, like why Angelus is such a sadist..

10/12/2005 05:01 am
A freakin' wonderful and creative story...as if Dracula, Glory, Dru and Darla all weren't enough by themselves...yeah, lets put them all together and yeah, while we are at it let's give the added stress of Buffy being turned...lol... Love it...good writing, good character work and unique angle. I especially liked Angel healing Joyce... Spike and Buffy need a mommy... hated that they killed her off. It takes major spunk to have no powers in the midst of supernatural champions and still stand strong and fearless.

10/11/2005 11:08 am
Reread this chapter. Can never get enough Dark Gift. {grins} The whole scene with the Fang Gang plus Willow and Xander walking in on Angel and Darla was just perfect. I cracked up the first time, and I cracked up again now. I can picture all the green faces and Cordy going off on Angel. Look forward to when you are inspired to write more.