Days of Grace by Laura Siri
Chapter: Ch. 3- Revelations

01/10/2014 07:00 am
Great alternative to what happened in the series - I like your Buffy much more than where Joss Whedon and the writers took her.  Even as late as the comic books, Buffy still suffered from her, IMO, totally unrealistic understanding of Angel/Angelus. 

09/04/2013 02:51 am
Very intriguing storyline!  The tone and dialogue just kept me glued.  

07/19/2013 09:20 am

I loved this story and I like very much the elegance and power of simplicity  of your final chapter and your ending - 

05/14/2013 03:50 am
Love this story. Love when my favorite characters get tortured and then need comfort from my other favorite characters. Very well written. Have you ever written one where Spike gets tortured? Would love to read it!

02/24/2013 08:59 am

Great Story and I like your ending very much - it's elegant of words and focus like all the rest of the story.

01/03/2012 11:10 am

Aawww, I liked this story. And I actually liked the fact that Angel doesn't remember a thing - I mean, it's a little too easy to always just make him the really Bad guy when he is a little more than just black and white. Though he's not nearly as interesting or sexy as Spike, of course.

Thanks. Good read. :-)
05/29/2010 03:02 pm

05/10/2010 08:42 am
that was AMAZING. Its the darkest thing I've read and I L-O-V-E loved it!

03/12/2010 07:17 am
That was really good

12/11/2008 06:17 am
very nice bravo

12/17/2007 01:04 pm
Oh I loved it.

Mrs X
02/21/2007 11:47 am
I liked it. Dark&different written in a lovely language. Interesting take on Spike's background. Lots of space for me as a reader to fill in the blanks, much like it was in the TV-show.

11/09/2006 07:22 pm
Beautiful, just beautiful.

09/13/2006 12:10 am
just stopped for a reread. believe i read this excellent tale on your site. (hope i was polite enough to review.) very good read, thank you

02/12/2006 04:18 am
Beautiful story!

11/20/2005 09:56 am
Such a great story, and I loved the ending. Can't wait to see a sequel.

10/15/2005 10:18 am
Somebody should tell Buffy that Angelus is full of shit. He can remember exactly what his demon did. He's not two separate beings. Liked the story with Spike helping Buffy cope and heal from Angelus' tortures.
Okies... what I got from the show was that Angel always suffered short term memory loss after regaining his soul. In Becoming, Part II, he couldn't remember what had happened, and at the gypsy bonfire (episode?), the gypsy told him he would remember shortly... He'll remember, just not right off the bat. But Buffy doesn't know that... ::grins evilly:: Will she find out later on? What will Angel do when he remembers? How is Spike coping with Angel's return? All these things in more shall be answered in the eventual sequel. And thank you for reviewing! :)

10/14/2005 04:32 pm
Good ending for this one. Things are solved, and there is a promise for the future. I look forward to a sequel.
Thank you! I have it in sight, just hafta wade through some other stuff... :)