Living Vengeance by Ariel Dawn
Chapter: Precious Bundle

08/15/2006 07:32 am
So glad that you made the baby a boy, most fics I've read usually have her child, a girl and of course there is always Dawn. Good she made a wish for Spike to leave Dru but that won't happen for what? nearly one hundred years. Lovin' this tale, thanks.
Thanks for reading!

02/15/2006 02:44 am
i love the curses... pregnant wishes rock! Fabalicious chapter sweetie

11/04/2005 07:06 am
*Giggles* I'm laughing at the whole "curses uttered in labour" scenario. A truly comic touch, in a serious story.
Thanks CM!

10/30/2005 10:57 am
Great story!!!

10/29/2005 08:08 am
Oh yeah Ilove this fic and the next part is when
Thanks Wulfie, the next part will be out some time BEFORE your next update

10/29/2005 01:25 am
I love this story! Light and funny but not too fluffy!

10/29/2005 12:14 am
Oops... Will Buffy 'fess up to cursing Spike to be abandoned by his Sire? Will Spike resent her interference, even though it was done in painful circumstance. Does Spike even love her? Does Anyanka know that she's cursed to fall in love with a human? Does D'Hoffryn realise that Buffy and the baby are his human family now? What about poor Annette? So many questions? Must have update soon, please!
hehehe, yes so many questions, to be revealed later!

10/28/2005 10:34 pm
oooohhhh. I just love this story. it's my absolute favourite at the moment!I just can't wait to see what happens next. Will we move on in time, or will Spike leave Dru now???
aww thanks chanel! that means alot!

10/28/2005 04:00 pm
AD, Great update! Buffy and a baby--who knew? loved it....

10/28/2005 02:57 pm
Still loving this story. Just caught up tonight. I hope Buffy gives up trying to hang around her Wanker friend since that will just get her or her baby killed. More story please.
Glad you like!

10/28/2005 01:55 pm
I am so glad the kid is Spike's, can't wait to see the Immortal get his ass kicked and killed.
I'm glad you like my choice for who the father is!