Origins: Revelations by Niamh
Chapter: Missing

11/23/2006 04:39 am are they gonna figure out what she did? can't believe willow's doing this, when the truth comes out she'll have burned her bridges i'm sure :(

08/20/2006 03:47 pm
Chapter 36-

Willow is evil - EVIL i say! I can't believe what she did. EVIL EVIL!!!! Shakes head - I adore this story sweetie, it keeps getting better - I adore it!

07/02/2006 08:48 am
I realize that it's been awhile since you started writing this but I have to say something to you about your injuries, that I'm sorry that you've been in so much pain due to it. Very gratful you had support from your friends, teenage sons aren't equipped to give much assistance when their mom's aren't up to snuff. With that said must let you know the way you've planned out Willow's scheme is so perfect, very very believeable. You did not disappoint.

11/11/2005 04:46 pm
Excellent chapter. Really want to throttle Willow big time, but at least people are still feeling that something is off. Stupid Willow. I hope they get it all figured out or this is going to get really bad really quick.

11/05/2005 11:41 am
Great new chapter. Damn that Willow! The really cool thing is, I just reread the whole Origins saga yesterday, so excellent timing on the new chappie. Nice addition of Faith, can't wait to see where that goes. I REALLY love this story. Thanks.

11/03/2005 03:59 pm
I'm still loving this! Never a dull moment, and I'm always on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what the "villains of the piece" are going to do next.'s hot as hell!

11/03/2005 03:42 am
OMG! WTF are they going to do with Willow? Can she be stripped of her powers? What she has done before is bad but this is horrible. Maybe she can be given to Angelus, although a vampire witch sounds pretty bad. I will be looking for more of your wonderful story.

11/02/2005 10:44 am
Sqeee! An update! I love where you're going with the story and how Spike, Buffy and Connor all knew something was wrong. Can't wait to see what they do next. Sorry to hear about your arm; I know how dibilitating and frustrating and depressing injuries can be. :(

11/02/2005 10:24 am
This was a lovely update - and, unlike many stories, I didn't have to go back and reread to remember where we were and what was going on. I'm sorry your mood is dark, but you've written a lovely, hopeful chapter. I hope RL permits an update soon. *hugs*

11/02/2005 08:41 am
Origins Revelations 36-This is the lastest chapter right? I would hate to miss one. Just wanted to let you know how much I love this story. It's one of my favorites. Can't wait for the next update.