Cara Mia by Confused Muse
Chapter: Chapter Six

11/11/2009 10:43 pm
This is an interesting fic. I like how you portrait the people true to character, and hope you will update soon:)

02/01/2006 02:34 am
Hey that story's great! I loved reading it. Well, what's written of it so far, anyway... The way you write Spike is awesome and your plot seems to be evolving rather well too. I like Dawn and I like Buffy and I like pretty much everything in here, which is pretty rare, I might add. I'll be keeping an eye on this fic then, see when you add a new chapter! Good job,

- YB

12/26/2005 11:22 am
HOLY CRAP! I don't like the jars with vampire hearts of every lineage in them... and what does the Immortal *cough*asswipe*cough* have planned for Buffy ... you know I don't care ... Go DAWN, Go SPIKE!!!!

11/11/2005 03:43 pm
GO SPIKE! RUN! Hurry to find Buffy before it is too late. Damn Immortal. Hope Spike gets there in time. Look forward to more.

11/07/2005 02:39 am
Grrrh I'm on tenterhooks waiting for the big revelation. Love it udate soon.

11/06/2005 03:48 am
I really hope that they all can figure this out. Great update. always love Spike and can I just say GO DAWN..

11/05/2005 11:43 pm
Very interesting story, what is the Imortal wanker up to? Gonna have fun reading about it in the coming chapters.

11/05/2005 08:27 pm
excellent, would say more but barely awake :D