the cut by denny
Chapter: mary magdalene - part III

05/27/2006 02:57 am
so...why does he need anya exactly? and why is she going for it? a bit confused but still intently intrigued with this story..excellent job you're doing here :)

11/17/2005 02:47 am
wonderful, yet cryptic update...can't wait to read the next chapter...

11/13/2005 07:44 am
Great story still. I'm confused about some parts, like why the portal jumper is after Dawn and Why Xander has power and stuff, but I'm sure all will be explained :)

11/13/2005 05:15 am
Enjoying the hell out of this story. Can't wait to read more. -Lisa

11/13/2005 12:16 am
Thoroughly enjoying the convolutions in this plot, and am busily trying to work out what's coming next :)