Fading World by Absenteye
Chapter: Chapter 2

06/25/2006 12:49 am
AHHHH how sweet!

03/24/2006 05:57 am
oh wow...*sob*...that is so beautiful and powerful...i love this chapter...so glad they found each other, poor things...need more now :)

11/20/2005 08:40 pm
What an intruiging idea! I'm looking forward to seeing where you take them from here.
Thank you!!!

11/20/2005 05:39 am
Yeah! So happy they have each other now.
Glad you like!

11/19/2005 08:10 am
Oh the loony bin doctors will have such fun with this. They'll behave just like Buffy's friends and try to keep them apart.

11/18/2005 10:38 pm
At last they have found each other. I wonder what the facility will do with them.
Ooooh, you'll see! *mysterious freak-smile*