The Rest of our Lives by Ariel Dawn
Chapter: Through the looking glass

07/15/2007 01:27 am
Wow Wow Wow!
This is one hell of a chapter!

But damn it's a shame there are only 3 of those first-watchy-guys, would've been nice to have Dawn as a 4th secondy first-watchery thingy (aargh that's an awfully dumb way to put it).

Then again... she's the key so it makes sense.

Wow again, this chapter is amazing :)

06/03/2006 11:33 pm
does she remember?? poor buffy having to go through that...but maybe now her family will be safe...i'm liking the while willow/oz thing coming on here :)

05/23/2006 10:06 am
Uh oh ... I wonder if that is a good I'm Buffy the Vampire Slayer or a fruity one ... or a peeved one ... or a sarcastic one. Dang ... running to the next chapter to find out.
that statement was just so full of everything. She was off the hook, and then everything fell back on her shoulders again.

02/14/2006 03:33 am
lmao, doofus buffy :P