Guardians of The Scythe by Athenewolfe
Chapter: Chapter 12 - Identity Issues

01/14/2008 07:49 pm
Oh don't tell me Anya wants Giles instead of Xander

06/02/2006 06:55 pm
Poor Giles, they think he's CRAZY!! Dumb Council. Hmm...interesting hug!
Wasn't the hug *interesting* *evil wicked grin*

02/16/2006 03:39 am
LOL, poooor Giles

11/25/2005 06:37 pm
Giles and Anya! LOL. That was funny! Very nice chapter Steph.
*hugs* thank you Amy!

11/21/2005 04:26 pm
Well Randy Giles is in da house now :) It will be interesting to see how much you diverge from the original story.
thank you ... I enjoy playing with the timeline. It is so much fun!

11/21/2005 11:08 am
LoL, NOW who's the randy Giles?! Lmao!!
I just had to!

11/21/2005 09:13 am
This timeline is starting to diverge! Will there be a Giles/Anya pairing? Better for Anya since Xander never really got over himself.
Hmmm did I ever mention I love pairing people up... grin... I can't help up. So maybe there will be, maybe not he he he . But yeah Xander and Anya - will NEVER happen. I am not that cruel to her.