Guardians of The Scythe by Athenewolfe
Chapter: Chapter 14

01/14/2008 08:09 pm
Oh I hope they can warn Buffy and Spike in time. I wonder what happened to Angel it is season 3

06/02/2006 07:29 pm
I'm thinking they should just kill the mayor now, I don't know of any "human" that ages as well as he did! Ooh, nice with the suspense at the end!
I am all with "kill the mayor now" but Giles never seemed to appreciate the easy solutions. At least not until he did them out of revenge. It would have made Buffy's life so much easier!

02/16/2006 03:46 am
LOL, can we kill Quentin now??
Quentin death would be fun!

01/04/2006 11:40 am
I love it and can't wate to see more of your fic so can ya please please please update on it as soon as ya can.
Thank you so much! I have updated Chapters 15 through 19 on the site! I hope you enjoy them! *hugs*

11/26/2005 06:37 am
It's hard to believe Wes could be more of a prat the second time around. but at least it gives our heroes the chance to kick some watcher ass. Brilliant.
*grin* thanks! Chapter 15 through 19 are now up. Hope you like them!

11/25/2005 08:49 pm
EEp EEEEEEEEp *flails and runs around like a crazy chicken lady*
LOLOLOL you make me laugh! hope you are liking - will upload next chappie tonight or tommorrow morning depending on when I get home.

11/25/2005 06:46 pm
OMG OMG! That's all? *blinks wildly* I soooo do not like Quentin or the Watchers Council right now. My fingers are crossed that everyone makes it out of this alive. Can't wait for more.
LOL well there is more now! *hugs*

11/25/2005 05:51 am
The slayer war begun Yoda would say :)
LOLOLOLOL.... Glad you liked it

11/25/2005 05:18 am
OMG!! A war has begun and not one that was in the previous timeline. I hope there won't be too many character deaths (Xander is OK and maybe Angelus too). More soon please.
I just truly couldn't see Buffy going through that stupid test, and since when would Travers allow that. Uptight Council! I should update either tonight or tommorrow.