Spike's Will be Done. by TalesofSpike
Chapter: Chapter 5 - California Dreamin'

08/19/2007 03:53 pm
Oh that was good,
Thank you, honey! I'm glad you're enjoying it.

07/16/2006 12:30 am
Yay Dawn! way to go in a crisis! Liked how you interpreted Spike's wish. Just wondering why you changed the Glory sequence, when everything else was by the scripted? Glad that you had her feel his pain, even if nothing else happens at least she will know thw magnitude of this love. Great chapter. Thanks for the read.
Thank you, yet again!

The Glory Sequence (to paraphrase) - "Every night I dream I save you, do something quicker, something smarter so you don't have to..."

Glad you liked it.

06/24/2006 03:10 pm
What an excellant intrepretation of his wish! I love the hitchhiking through his body and truly seeing how he feels, through his expeierences because otherwise she is blinded by her past and her fears. great story and I am really enjoying this!
Thank you! She really needed to be put in a situation where she couldn't just turn away and pretend it wasn't happening.

06/21/2006 02:51 pm
that was just heart-breaking...poor spike...i hope she wises up now that she knows what she put him through....an excellent, touching emotional chatper :)
Thank you! As you say, poor Spike. For so long his happiness was dependent on someone who depised him and that really doesn't make for happiness.

03/30/2006 10:50 pm
ok so the spell didn't go wrong. that's good. poor Dawn she must be freaked. i think spike needs to steal a phone for Dawn's sake
Thanks again. It's wonderful when people review chapter by chapter and you can see how they're thinking/feeling as the story progresses.

As you say, poor Dawn. She is definitely freaking, but she's a Summers and she'll gold it together long enough to get the job done.