America's sexiest home video by Isabel
Chapter: Paging Dr. Phil

01/15/2012 05:15 pm
Absolutely love this chapter!  It describes to well how people have to physically work through their feelings when they cannot sort them out.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not for domestic violence but folks should use contact sports to work out their anger.  Sounds off topic but I feel it works in cases when people act impulsively destroying their lives. 

09/06/2007 03:07 am
Good fighting and good talking. You are definitely wrong to worry.
Thanks :)

03/13/2006 01:26 am
love that...that's exactly what she needed isn't it?? to let it all out? and the dialogue was perfect, you display a great insight into the things that drove buffy during season six...lovng this fic ;)

12/02/2005 07:52 am
I think that this is an excellent fic...I love Spike taking Buffy to the desert for an all out brawl...keep those chappies coming, honey, and we'll keep reading....

12/02/2005 01:06 am
Go Spike!

12/01/2005 11:01 pm
I love Spike as a therapist. I wouldn't have minded 'Dead Things' so much if Spike had hit back. I'm glad he did here.