Puppets and Pawns by Ariel Dawn
Chapter: Puppets and Pawns

06/06/2014 08:37 pm
whoa... that ended up in a place I wasn't quite expecting...  hehe.

09/26/2008 04:39 pm
The interaction between Spike and Snyder was awesome.

03/21/2007 11:02 pm
Oh I love it.

12/17/2006 08:04 pm
can i just say WOW!!!!! that was awsome ive only ever read one season 1 spuffy story and it wasnt that good but this one was really good loved it!!!!!!! :) ;)
Thanks so much!

09/20/2006 03:54 pm
a very unique tale, pet...very sexy and believable, and very well-written...i'd love to see a sequel to this, just like everyone else apparently :P....this was great :)
Someday I'll write a sequel to it!

12/25/2005 07:09 pm
You know I'd like to way in a vote for you to continue this "verse" as well. It would be most interesting to see the change in S2 - or even later in S1 -- given that all that you've established here. That said, as a stand-alone, it's brilliant. Wonderful twist to "Puppet Show."
Thanks OHolly. There has been so much interest in a sequel to this fic that I've actually started to consider it!

12/08/2005 08:35 pm
That was jus so fricking good. I would love to see another that refers back to that time or continues how things would have been changed in the storylines of canon. Damn, but that was good. Nice rewrite.

12/08/2005 02:12 am
Hehe! Love Spike's love 'em & leave 'em exit! Cute fic :)
Well he is a bad ass vampire, n'est pas? (damn! the french it follows me!)

12/07/2005 08:24 pm
More please!
lol, ok

12/07/2005 04:42 pm
WOWZA!! What a ficlet! You did these characters and the general silliness so well.

12/07/2005 01:52 pm
see AD EVERYONE wants a sequel! *Chants* "Sequel, sequel, sequel."
Ok, Ok, I get it *caves to pressure*

12/07/2005 12:10 pm
This sooo needs a sequal...Excellent rewrite, Ariel!

12/07/2005 10:37 am
That's ALL??? I must have more *waves fist*
*sigh* someday, there will be more *glares at list of plot bunnies*

12/07/2005 08:01 am
Fantastic season one fic...loved it....

12/07/2005 06:12 am
Really good it screams for more.

12/07/2005 05:28 am
Great story - I hope you're planning on doing a sequel cause I want to see Spike kick Angel's ass, not to mention the poof's reaction when he finds out Spike had sex with Buffy.
LOL, ok ok I'll put it on my list of Plot Bunnies...

12/07/2005 04:09 am
Lovely story, really liked it. So is this a one shot deal or will there be more? Would love to see a continuation of this story.
At present I have no plans to continue this. That said you never know...