The Rest of our Lives by Ariel Dawn
Chapter: Mother-ish

06/04/2006 05:41 am
wow...that's a boatload of manly responsibility to come flying out of to :P excellent buffy's kids...this story has more twists than most...i love it :)

05/23/2006 11:25 am
Oooooo ... I remember the kids. Dang, I must have just spaced out or something. I remember lots of the pieces of this story, but I still don't remember how it ends. How stupid of me is that? In any case, I'm loving reading it again. Love the kids.

05/21/2006 10:03 am
“Pleasure. So now that we are all acquainted, can we go shopping now?”

rererererereading this and noticed how Buffylike Ariel is :P
Well Ariel is her that makes sense

02/17/2006 12:24 am
LOL, AD is the perfect Spuffy kid :P
aren't I though? hehehe