Prodigal by Confused Muse
Chapter: Chapter Eight

09/17/2006 03:02 am
the tension is building....want another buffy/spike confrontation :)

12/21/2005 02:50 am
the plot thickens... *runs off to the next chap*

12/18/2005 11:37 pm
Great to see this updated - a very original Buffy and what a cool Dru!

12/15/2005 04:18 am
HMMMMMM.....Twists and turns, twists and turns, where will it all lead to??? I really like this story! I can't wait to find out just what kind of demon Buffy really has become!
Thank you - I'm glad you're finding it interesting. I promise all will eventually be revealed...

12/14/2005 04:23 pm
Brills update. Love the way you're moving the plot along and longing to see what happens next. Thanks.
Thank you, Sue :) I'm trying for the strip teas approach to plot development, as well as putting in smut where I can ;)

12/14/2005 02:26 pm
Just got caught up on this story, since I somehow managed to miss the last chapter. Wonderful update, dear. I'm interested to see exactly where you are taking this one. -Lisa
Lisa - thank you for your kind comments. It's gonna be a long road, not just plot wise but personally, but I *am* planning to update weekly now, and writing ahead when I get the chance.

12/14/2005 01:52 pm
YES! *jumps up adn down* I absolutely love this fic! Am so glad you are working on it again.
Thank you! I'm glad to see my distraction hasn't dimmed someone's enthusiasm, and it's motivating me to write yet more (when I get some free time....)

12/14/2005 09:46 am
Nooooo, not Dru *faints* Run Spike Run
Oh come on, she's a softie really... Oh, wait, she's not *cackles evilly*

12/14/2005 08:38 am
Oh, I love the update! It's good to see Spike getting Giles involved. I loved Spike's moment of revelation... *pets poor Spike!* Hmmm... Dru could make things very interesting... can't wait to see what happens next!
Thank you C, it's good to know people still care about this poor, half-forgotten ficcie of mine. I'm not sure, but after ten, chapters may get a tad longer simply to move the plot along.

12/14/2005 08:15 am
Glad to see an update of this one. Look forward to more.
Yeah, sorry it's been a while - I oversubscribed to some LJ communities and was busy trying to meet deadlines there! Never again, say I...

12/14/2005 08:01 am
LOL, damn good chappie, I love the plot line, it sucks you in and leaves you on the edge of your seat.
Thank you Wulfie! I promise to try and live up to that expectation... :)