Strip Snap by Lilachigh
Chapter: Chp 9 Monsters and demons

05/31/2010 11:20 am

08/31/2006 12:57 am
hmmm...wonder what it is??? on to more :)

07/17/2006 09:59 am
Are you sure an actor owned that property and not Stephen King? It will be a treat to see the world through his eyes as he discovers this new world. I haven't heard the word "congress" used as meaning anything else but a branch of American gov. in a long time. This is so much fun, except for the mud demon, of course.

04/11/2006 12:00 am
Lilac - I had to review a couple chapters to be reminded of the Spuffy goodness. Love your characterization of William and LOl at his take on the modern world with silver demons. Not sure that ignorant lout Buffy would know the name of the Queen. She'd probably be up on Princess Di, though.

12/22/2005 11:35 am
This is so much fun to read. More please!

12/22/2005 07:58 am
LMAO, poor William being stuck with that Harlot Buffy Summers :P

12/22/2005 05:46 am
William is a hoot! Pretty cool the way he was able to manage a quickie like that!

Sara M.
12/22/2005 03:38 am
A plan! LMAO! Great chapter! In a boat! At least William is a gentleman and helped her out.