I Saw Buffy Killing Santa Claus by pfeifferpack
Chapter: Chapter 3

03/09/2008 02:15 pm
Mimblix demon = Blistex demon = Memorex demon = Mimic demon...? :P Her malapropism amuses me so much!
And she at least admitted that Spike is helpful to her with her life.Finally:D
Loved the chapter.
I always thought she pretended to be "slow" to keep from research instead of being "stupid"....those mispronounciations were one way to look that way though.  I think they are funny too.  Thanks  k

02/17/2006 08:10 pm
This is definitely off canon or Jonathan didn't remember being told that Spike was toothless.

Loved the way you had Buffy tripping hilariously over Mimblix demon substitute terms!
I think Jonathan would be afraid of Spike even toothless!

Thanks! I always felt Buffy did that on purpose to drive people crazy. K

01/03/2006 11:05 am
I wonder who she is going to get to fill in. Liking this story so far. Spike's explanations about Santa, Snow White, and the Easter Bunny are pretty amusing.
I could just see Buffy's face full of doubt and Spike with his "What?!?!?!" look. K