Kissed by itmustbetuesday
Chapter: Chapter Six

01/13/2006 04:04 am
Oh great chapter! I'm so glad you decided to post this to the new site.

01/12/2006 04:57 am
Awww ... poor Spike. He is always trying to protect her. He covered for her with Riley even though Spike knows that he loved Buffy. Look forward to more of this one.

01/11/2006 11:09 am
Ooo Buffy - Liar liar pants on Fire. This is great. When does Riley get his butt kicked?

01/10/2006 10:38 pm
I love Victorian vampires. Knows he shouldn't care about "shagging" the slayer, but turns right around and lies for her tos. Excellent chapter. Will there be more soon?

01/10/2006 06:57 pm
oh i LOVE this. wonderful. can't wait for more!

01/10/2006 05:43 pm
Poor Spike - his problem is that he's too nice!

01/10/2006 01:14 pm
Waaaahh! I'm out of chapters to read! Dammit. If you have trouble posting your chaps, feel free to send them to me and I can post them for you. I don't know what is up, they should be going through. Loved that spike covered for Buffy and the almost juvenile conversation they had. Sooo cannot wait to read the next chapter!