Ancient shades by Kur
Chapter: 21

01/17/2006 01:23 pm
Yeah, well I've been sick for a week, had my period, my frog died, it hurts when i breath and i'm not even sure thats my asthma, i got hives and my best friend got in a car accident so she needs surgery this week buck up, things could be worse
Oh, my! I'm so sorry I bothered you with such stupid thing! Things will get better, you'll see. Take care, ok? Tons of kisses and sorry again! Kur

01/12/2006 12:19 pm
Ooooo yay!
Does it mean you're happy? If it's so... thanks!!! I'm not happy today since I've found out that somebody has stolen two of my stories (one is shadows of the past) and has posted them as if they were hers. Can you believe it? Reviews like yours cheer me up so I really hope you like the next chapter, love. Tons of kisses, Kur