Ring of Fire by TalesofSpike
Chapter: Chapter 1:07

06/21/2010 08:42 pm
I love Lorne's tendency to over-dramatise everything. He could talk about going out to buy milk and newspapers and make it into a thundering Hollywood production, with insanely expensive special effects and a legion of long legged showgirls. ;) And when you give him something like THIS to work with? Oh boy. ;) 

And Wes was great. I like it much better when he stands tall again, instead of wallowing and letting everyone step on him.

08/22/2007 07:27 pm
So Lorne is with Spike, but Angel is he not at the hotel.
Yep, Lorne is with Spike. Angel made it back to the hotel late on, but he can't use a cell phone so he had no idea how to check his messages.

Thanks again.

08/27/2006 11:13 am
Hail! the gangs all here! You go Wes! And Spike's got Loren to talk to, at least for now. Got to see what's happening next. Another excellent chapter.
Lol! Sometime someone just needs to stomp on Angel's ego and since Spike isn't around to do it... I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Thank you!

07/10/2006 06:26 pm
i like lorne's explanation, very well put and intriguing...at least now neither one of them are really alone...poor spike, though...can't wait for more :)
Thanks, honey!

Lorne is a great character and it was so much fun to give him a bigger part in things than normal.

06/27/2006 03:34 pm
I liked this line - Fred's more... coltish. Very nice imagery!

I like the ring of fire bits, very lovely story telling! Great story!
Thank you, honey! I'm glad you liked it.

02/13/2006 06:30 am
getting caught up on a great series. lorne was the second(to fred) best character on that show. love the story. thanks.
Lorne was one of my favourites, too. I never watched Angel for Angel. At first it was Doyle, then there was Lorne and eventually Wes sort of grew on me... but Lorne just had a way of getting away with saying stuff that no one else could.