It's Not Enough by Morrigan
Chapter: Blame

03/14/2006 04:20 am
"Buggerin'..." "Nancy Boy..." "God awful..." "camera..." "My face!"

Very nice line! I liteally LOL when I read it. Dawn's thoughts were good as well.
Thank you!

01/19/2006 09:15 pm
Nice to see Dawn might actually be growing up a bit at last - we just need Buffy to do the same.
That's it!  I need to start a Dawn redemptionista group!  *L* (Buffy has can't join until she accepts her problem).  Hehe!  Thanks for the review, Lou!  Hope to hear from you again, next chapter!  :)

01/19/2006 07:18 pm
All caught up! I'm glad Dawn has decided to make up with Spike, it was such a shame to see their friendship lost on the show. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.
Hey!  Nice to hear from you again!   :)  Thanks for the review!

01/19/2006 07:01 pm
Good for Dawn!
Glad you liked it!

01/19/2006 06:35 pm
The Spike/Dawn friendship is one the things that tthey screwed up and never fixed. Good chapter.
I agree, wholeheartedly.  Their dynamic was both touching and hysterical, and I missed it so much in season 7.  They wrote Dawn to be less than fun.  Thanks for the review!

01/19/2006 03:28 pm
Yeh I always thought it was terrible what they did with Dawn and Spikes' friendship. Just didn't ring true after everything they'd been through.
I'm so glad to see that there are so many people out there, like me, who thought that there was something really cool about the Spike/Dawn relationship.  The writers for the show really let me down with that one.  Thanks so much for the shout out.   :) Hope to hear from you again, next chapter!

01/19/2006 03:10 pm
WTF is hapening?? Dawn is going to stop whining? What an innovative concept! More story please.
*L*  Pretty far out there, huh? Hehe!  Thanks for reviewing, and I'll get right on the next chap ASAP! *salutes*