Belonging by DreamsofSpike
Chapter: If Just for a Moment

01/29/2006 08:52 am
Wonderful job with the complex emotions of this chapter. I like how brought them together and kept them apart.
thanx so much...that's what i'm aiming for at this point :)

01/29/2006 03:26 am
*Gasping for breath* Good (almost)sex scene! Anyway, it left ME short of breath.
lol...thanx, glad you liked it :)

01/29/2006 03:21 am
Love this story please write more soon
thanx so much :)

01/29/2006 02:59 am
awww.. poor buffy she's so lost and alone, i like how you pull her between the wanting to be there for riley but then wanting to be free from him as well.. the emotions in this story are written very well :)
thanx so much...our poor Buffy has become an abused woman :(

01/28/2006 04:53 pm
Poor Buffy needs that reasurance and love that she doesn't get from Riley. I hope Spike reminds her to call Willow and Xander.
don't worry he will :)

01/28/2006 02:50 pm
Wow. Hopefully Buffy will go up and beat the crap out of riley. I feel so bad for Spike. I hope Buffy comes to her senses and realizes that Spike is not an animal and truly does love her. Please update soon and often.
I definately recommend this story .
she will...eventually...on all counts :) thanx for good review :)

01/28/2006 05:25 am
I have no idea why you are worried about your sex scenes, you write them fantastically. Your words flow to give the reader a vivid mental image and that is rare to find. I absolutely adore this fic!
lol...thanx so guys' reviews are making me more confident about them :) glad you are enjoying it :)

01/28/2006 04:38 am
Even though Spike is the slave, Buffy is the one being oppressed. Hopefully she kicks Riley's a## soon.
soon, i promise :)

01/28/2006 03:35 am
Oh Buffy, Buffy, Buffy!!!! Lovely update. Good build up of the elements needed for a great series of climaxes (in more ways than one actually). Bravo.

lol...thanx...trying to build this up gradually here ;)