It's Not Enough by Morrigan
Chapter: Twice Upon a Day

03/14/2006 04:37 am
I was wondering what you were going to do about this whole thing. This was in my opinion Giles' worst betrayal on the show and really made me dislike him.

Nice chapter.
I was a big Giles fan.  I loved his character, and still do...  But, I thought his actions in that ep. were *horrible*  I knew I couldn't bypass it, so I thought mixing it up, just a little might make me feel better.  Thanks for reviewing, and sharing your thoughts with me!

01/30/2006 08:08 pm
I'm glad Dawn is not against Spike any more. That should help when the rest of them turn against them.
Yep.  I couldn't let Dawn stay mad at him.  It made me mad when Spike and Dawn's anger with Spike was never resolved in season 7.  Thanks for the review!