It's Not Enough by Morrigan
Chapter: Escape

03/14/2006 04:39 am
Aww... he held her! So sweet.
Gotta have the gratuitous...holding scene.  *sigh*  I got all mushy, writing it.  Tee-hee!  Thanks, again!

01/31/2006 02:10 pm
Aaah the sweet comfort of it all!!!
 Sings...  *I can't believe I'm down here in the basement on the cot just-a-spoonin!'  *L*  Thanks for the review!  :P

01/31/2006 01:48 pm
That's an interesting point to bring up about Wood feeling that Spike stole his childhood. It would've been neat in canon if someone had pointed out to him that if it hadn't been Spike kit would've been someone else and there's no way she would've lived long enough for him to grow up unless she qwuit slaying. Even if she did quit , the coucil would probably send a hit team after her so they could have thier next slayer.
Thanks, Tamara!  Everyone gets their "one good day," right?  Robin's mother would never have stopped slaying, because that was her priority, even over her role as his mother.  That had to hurt!  Glad you liked the chapter. :)

01/31/2006 10:57 am
I'll take Ahhh as a really good thing. :P Thanks!